Gameska_ClipartWant these funny Leprechaun girl page toppers for your great Saint Patrick’s Day celebrations activities, worksheets, labels, bulletin boards, class decoration, etc? These clips can be useful as toppers, pointers, poppers, peekers, stickers, and more, for your Feast of Saint Patrick’s inspired resources on top of a border, a frame, a text box, a page, or a printable, . You can use them for your own lesson plan for preschool, kindergarten, primary school, special education, homeschool or not grade specific.
These are colorful and cute toppers of a friendly Leprechaun girl in 12 different actions, emotions or outfit.
This Clip Art Set contains 24 high-quality (300dpi) pngs.
– 12 high-quality png colored images of Leprechaun girl toppers:
– 12 high-quality png black and white images to make it easier to color or print.
This set is perfect for yourLá Fhéile Pádraig (the Day of the Festival of Patrick) resources and products, classroom labels, classroom decor, games, centers, to design any smartboard, newsletters, presentation slides, scrapbooks, worksheets, flashcards, boom cards and more!
I hope my work helps yours and makes it easier!
Check out My Store and Follow Me for more clipart sets, freebies and ideas!
*TERMS OF USE: You are free to use this resource for educational, personal and commercial use. Please make sure the images are flattened and/or protected. You may not use my clip art to be resold, repackaged, or giveaway in your own clip art packages (part of it or in its entirety). If you use them in your products to be sold commercially, please link back to my store.
*© Copyright Gameska_Clipart ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Permission is granted to copy pages specifically designed for student or teacher use by original purchaser. Boom cards usage by original purchaser is permitted. The reproduction of any part of this product is strictly prohibited. Copying any part of this product and/or placing it on the Internet in any form (even a personal/classroom website), without the permission of the author, is strictly forbidden. *
If you have additional questions, please contact me. Thank you for your support!